Thursday, October 17, 2013

DIY Halloween Costumes III: Tiaras & Feathers

This is the third installment of  my quest to make my own Halloween costume.  I struggle with all thing related to fashion and crafting, so this is going to be a challenge. My goal is a DIY peacock. Something that is not overly sexy, but still cute. So far, I've got a blue dress and a tail of tulle. This week's task is to make a feather head piece.
     For the headpiece, I  again turned to Pintrest for ideas. The majority of images were of feather clips. I thought the dress and tail of tulle were kind of subtle, so the headpiece really needed to say Peacock.  The headpiece, needed to be the center piece of the costume, so I turned to feathers and a tiara. 

     I went to Charming Charlie's and got the most basic tiara. I needed something without a lot of detail because I was going to cover it in feathers.  I got an assortment of peacocky feathers from JoAnn's and Michael's. Again I had an idea of what I was going to do, but wanted to remain open to other creative possibilities.

     First, I took YouTube's advice and covered the tiara in dark blue felt. This created a smooth surface for me to work. Most importantly, I focused on feather arrangement rather than covering the tiara in feathers. This was really key to the success of this crafting project.  Next, I laided out the feathers and glued them on layer by layer.  Feathers, feathers everywhere! This was almost as messy as working with glitter.

     The result was exactly what I wanted- a feathery headpiece that said Peacock. I had some leftover feathers, so I made an accessory for the tail ribbon where it ties up front. That means, I am all tulle in the back and all feathers up front. Yeah!  I never wear feathers in real life, but maybe I should because they are fun!  Here is how the pieces turned out:


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