Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Reading Reviews- February 2013

Is February over already? I actually wished I had more time to read! Here are the things that I did get a chance to read:

The Cloud Atlas by Liam Callanan

   This book was a mistake. I meant to read Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell- the one that is a movie.  Still this book held my attention, even after I realized my mistake. I learned something new about WWII- Japanese balloon bombs!  That part was interesting, but the story and the characters got less interesting as the novel went on.  Enjoyed the story, hated the ending.
Verdict: I would say pass, but hold the right to change my mind once I read the "right" Cloud Atlas.

Blogging for Dummies by Susannah Gardner & Shane Birley

I wanted to make sure I wasn't missing out on any tips or tricks for blogging. I really shouldn't read this dummy book; they are always very basic.  I hoped to figure out how to post streaming twitter feed on this blog- no luck.  I did learn the blog is a mash up of web log, so that was something.
Verdict: Blogger is intuitive, you don't need this book.

The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein

   I'll admit it, it was a tear jerker.  I am a sucker for dogs, so I loved a story about a family, told from a dog's view. I am treating my dog extra extra nice now! It was a quick read, almost like a short story, but it captured everything perfectly.
Verdict: If you love dogs, read it!

The Dirty Parts of the Bible:  A Novel by Sam Torode

  At the end of chapter one, I knew this book wasn't for me, but I soldiered on til chapter 6 before I finally gave up. This story somehow manages to be crude and yet feature an (unbelievably) innocent character. I probably should have guess it from the title.
Verdict: Nope. Not even a little bit.

The Everything Juicing Book by Carole Jacobs

  After watching "Hungry for Change," I start thinking about getting a juicer. After reading this book, I bought a juicer.  The first couple of chapters give you practical information on choosing a juicer and then there are chapters for detoxing, weight loss, and specific health conditions. Each of the chapters discussed the important vitamins for each condition and is followed by tons of recipes.  Very well laid out and it got me excited about all the flavor combinations!
Verdict: A very good resource if you are interested in juicing for health.

Frommer's Australia by Lee Atkinson, Ron Crittall, Marc Llewellyn and Lee Mylne
  Australia is my goal destination for my 40th birthday!  I got this book to inspire me to start saving up for it, but now I am not sure if I want to go. I do want to go, but traveling to a foreign country sounds like work!  Anyway, I did figure out I probably only need a week in Australia to see the things I want to see- Sydney, The Great Barrier Reef, Blue mountain and of course kangaroos and koalas.
Verdict: Don't buy this book until you are about to go on the trip. It had detailed information on places to stay and eat, which will probably be outdated in a year.

Citizenville by Gavin Newsom
  This was a fascinating read!  This book discusses how to reinvent the way citizens and government interact (spoiler: the answers are technology and communication).  People are frustrated and disengaged with government and politics. The quote that best sums up our current state:  "I truly believe that it' not the problems we face that are complex- it's the system we've designed to solve them that's complex."  Many examples are given of specific programs enacted throughout the country that have made a difference.
Verdict:  Wonderful read, I felt inspired that maybe things can change for the better.

Articles of Interest:

Ditch your inner Pollyanna!  "Stop Apologizing: Why are Woman so 'Sorry' All the Time?"

This is written by Ian, he is a CrossFit owner, trainer and police officer. Here are some of his thoughts on being in law enforcement and the service and sacrifice it requires:

Beyonce rocked the Superbowl- here is breakdown on her fabulous!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Paleo Meatloaf

Need a meal that will make a nice dinner and give you leftovers for lunch- Meatloaf!  I found a recipe that is paleo, using almond flour instead of bread crumbs.  This is one of my lunch staples.


2 lbs ground beef
1 cup almond meal
2 eggs
6oz can of tomato paste
1 chopped onion
3 minced cloves of garlic
.5 tsp sea salt
.5 tsp basil
1 tsp marjoram
2 tsp pepper


Pre-heat oven to 350

Mix all ingredients together and place in glass baking dish

Bake for 1 hour

Let cool and then cut into pieces and serve.  To give it a little something extra I top with marinara sauce or roasted tomatoes.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Intentional Athlete

Currently, my fitness includes CrossFit, yoga and running a monthly 5k.  I’m not especially hardcore at any of those.  I do these things because I enjoy them.  Recently, someone referred to me as an “athlete” and that proved to be a game changer.  I’ve always admired athletes, but never thought of myself as one.  So, I looked up the definition, in case they changed it.

Athlete A person possessing the natural or acquired traits, such as strength, agility, and endurance that are necessary for physical exercise or sports, especially those performed in competitive contexts.*

In sum, athletes have skills and apply them to physical activity and competitive events.  The definition doesn’t say anything about being hardcore or winning, which I guess I have subconsciously assumed. Interesting- I do meet the definition of an athlete!?!?!  Still, I don’t feel like an athlete, because my participation in multiple physical activities was not intentional.  However, with my new mindset of what an athlete is, I have plans of athletic intent:

  •  I signed up for the NorCal Tour de FIT Series, which is a series of 10 races.  After you complete the first 5 you get half and medal. When you complete the remaining 5, you get the other interlocking half of the medal.  Race bling!  The Tour de Fit is part of my overall goal to do 13 races in 2013.

  • I am a registered competitor in the 2013 Reebok CrossFit Games Open The Open is 5 workouts, over 5 weeks.  The workouts are announced weekly on Wednesdays and you have til that Sunday to complete them.
     I feel very comfortable and confident with the running goals.  With the Tour de FIT, the races and dates are laid out and I get to pick the length (5k for now, maybe 10k later in the year).  With the CrossFit Open, I have no idea what I am agreeing to do and I am not even sure if I can do them.  The unknown is quite scary, but I am determined to complete all 5 workouts to the best of my current abilities (fingers-crossed there are no pull-ups).

Athletes participate in events that test their skills and themselves.  It is a combination of courage and intent that transforms a person interested in fitness into an “athlete.”  My personal challenge is to endeavor in these competitive events without attachment to outcome.  Defining success as completion rather than “winning”.  Then I can say without hesitation, “I am an athlete.”

NorCal Tour de FIT Series:  http://changeofpace.com/tour-de-fit/
2013 Reebok CrossFit Games Open:  http://games.crossfit.com/article/welcome-2013-season

***This post is dedicated to Nikki M. for calling me the A-word!***

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Celebrating Pregnancy at CrossFit


  This is a Baby Shower at CrossFit!  Yep- we celebrate pregnancy at CrossFit with a WOD (Workout Of the Day) .  In honor of our expectant mothers, we did the following WOD in teams of 3:

3 Rope Climbs
150 Bench Presses @ 65lbs
150 Front Squats @ 65 lbs
90 Pullups
150 Deadlifts @ 65 lbs
90 Handstand Pushups
400m Sled Pull with 90 Double Unders every 100m
  Upon seeing a very pregnant woman in the middle of the workout people always ask “Is that safe?”  Yes it is.  CrossFit can be modified for any condition, including pregnancy. In fact, there is a website that caters to moms-to-be called CrossFit Mom providing information on each trimester and a daily workout just for the pregnant.
  Since, I started CrossFit someone(s) has always been pregnant.  There have been four healthy babies , these two on the way and I am sure there are more to come at my Box.  These women are redefining pregnancy expectations. It doesn’t have to be a “disability.”  You haven’t experienced humble, until a 8 month pregnant woman runs by and beats you to the finish!  Even the men stand back in awe.  These moms-to-be are truly inspiring to watch. Just another reason why CrossFit is amazing! 
Congratulations to our two Mamas-to-be Tianna and Melissa.

CrossFit Mom Website:  http://crossfitmom.com/

Thursday, February 7, 2013

CrossFit Truths (According to Me)

May I present, a collection of my very own CrossFit truths:

1.  If you start the WOD, you finish the WOD.  Either you complete the entire workout or you hit the time cap, but you never quit.  The only exception is injury.

2.  My 3 personal rules for CrossFit are:
    No Crying
    No Passing Out
    No Throwing Up*

3.  CrossFit will bring out your true character. It is impossible to work that hard and still "fake" being a nice person.  Assholes get weeded out quickly.

4.  CrossFit creates community because others see your weakness and they cheer you through it.  Being a good CrossFitter means you are both an athlete and a cheerleader.

5.  CrossFit is hard. If it is easy, you are doing it wrong.

6.  Crazy knees socks are cool and necessary- how else will people know you are serious?

7.  CrossFit changes your ideal body image:  "strong is the new skinny", "performance over apperance", etc

8.  The only person you are in competition with is yourself. It doesn't matter what others are doing.  What matters is that you are doing YOUR best everyday.  This is the hardest truth to accept.

9.  CrossFit is more mental than physical. The most amazing athletes are the ones who don't give up, not necessarily the strongest people.

10.  CrossFitters know people think they are crazy, they don't care!  The Kool-aid taste great and we want to share it with you too...

*I amended this one:  If you are deadlifing 400lbs+, you can throw up all you want as long as you finish the lift. See ah-mazing video:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50uWtVBwYrE

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Marinara Sauce

Homemade marinara sauce is a tasty thing to have around. I use it to add a little something to meatloaf, chicken or veggies. I know you can easily buy a jar at the store, but try making it yourself and taste the difference- no chemicals or additives or preservatives. It will be like you've never had marinara sauce before!

1 onion
1 celery
1 carrot
2 cloves of garlic
2 bay leaves
2 28oz can of crushed tomatoes
Any herbs or spices you desire

Tip: Trader Joe's sells a mirepoix mix (onion, carrots and celery) that is a huge time saver- way less chopping!

Saute onion, celery, carrots and garlic in olive oil for about 10 minutes, add salt & pepper
Add in 2 bay leaves and crushed tomatoes
Add in any herbs or spices (i.e. oregano, basil, garlic powder)
Simmer for 1 hour
Remove bay leaves
Puree in food processor

This can be stored 1 week in fridge or 6 months in freezer.