Friday, August 10, 2012

Best Huffington Post Article Ever!

When I came across the article, "The Truth is Out There Ladies: Long Hair is Killing Your Career," I was fully prepared for eye rolling and loud sighs. Not another pseudo- study on how some trival physical characteristic will ensure woman will never achieve equality in the workforce. Of course, I couldn't look away from the trainwreck, so I clicked on the title and braced myself.

I wasn't prepared for the author's brillant use of sarcasm and sterotypes to bring home a valid point (a.k.a my personal opinion).  She had my full attention right at "pre-dead lady husks"  and long hair being bad for business.  I thought it couldn't any better but she takes it a level up: "But how will this affect my chances of getting a man? Because science has proven that men prefer women with long hair. They just do. It's science." 

So wait- now the length of your hair determines not only your career, but also your fate in love!!! At this point, I am screaming with glee at how masterfully fabulous this article has become. You can't have it all ladies- either you cut it for your career or grown it out to get a man.  This author perfectly captures the conflicting social messages, women get throughout their lives.

Fortunately, Maria de Cesare is not just about ranting, she actually has a message and in her closing paragraphs she brings us back to reason:  "If you get the sense that your employer is concerned about the length of your hair -- and you have a job as anything other than a hair model -- time to get the hell out of that job, sweetness."

Amen! The only thing wrong about this article is I didn't write it. Here is the link to the full article- Enjoy!