Thursday, October 24, 2013

DIY Halloween Costume IV: Hair, Makeup & Glitter

This is the fourth installment of  my quest to make my own Halloween costume.  I struggle with all thing related to fashion and crafting, so this is going to be a challenge. My goal is a DIY peacock. Something that is not overly sexy, but still cute. So far, I've got a blue dress, a tail of tulle and a feather head piece.  This week's task is makeup and hair.
     I was just kidding about the glitter- it just made the title sound catchier. After working with feathers, I was not about to add glitter to the mix.  Makeup was going to be a challenge enough. I seemed to be missing all the girly-girl genes.  So of course, I turned to You Tube and watched a ton of tutorials on creating a peacock eye.
     Researching makeup, led me down a million rabbit trails. I ended up subscribing to a bunch of beauty channels and looking into getting a color analysis done.  This led to a cleaning out of my wardrobe and organizing of my jewelry collection.  Somehow, I also wound up online shopping for deals and signing up for ebates.
     To tell you the truth, I still have no solid plan for my makeup. What I do have is more confidence in my ability to just work with it that night. My sister lent me her Stilla palette which has a bunch of eye shadows, blushes and lipsticks and I have just been playing around with colors. The peacock will be a mix of purple, blue and green eye shadows- that's all I know for now.
     As for hair, I put on my feather tiara and took a picture of it with my hair straight and curled.  Comparing the pictures, curled was a better match for the look. Peacocks are bold animals and big volumized curls seem more attuned to the overall look.  That was easy!
     I think, I finally learned to embrace my creativity and trust myself when it comes to style and fashion. I certainly learned a lot, but there is so much more to learn and I am excited to do so.  Maybe you'll see more blogs on this topic. For now I will leave you with 3 of my favorite makeup products:
  • Urban Decay Primer Potion If you eye make-up doesn't last, this is a must have. One vlogger described it as "stopping the creasing and greasing". Amen!
  • Zoya Nail Polish  I rarely paint my nails because the polish doesn't seem to last.  I tried the base coat, polish and top coat from Zoya and found a polish that lasted through 6 days of life (including CrossFit barbell work).  I got compliments on my polish job- maybe I do have some girly-girl genes?
  •  L'occitane Shea Butter.  I love this for chapped lips or dry skin, especially this time of year when the weather turns cold.  You can even apply to eyelashes for a fake mascara look.

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