Tuesday, November 6, 2012

November Thanks Givings

November is my month for making key commitments- this week makes one year at CrossFit and twelve years at UC Davis. Happy Double Anniversary!  Both institutions have had a huge positive impact in my life. You could say, it is how I spend my days and nights.

UC Davis has allowed me so many professional opportunities. To date, I’ve worked in 3 colleges, 5 departments and have had 7 job titles.  All that experience without having to switch employers.  It was my parent’s dream for me to be a “state employee” and they may have just been right about something. UC Davis has been there for me when I was young and into fun, when I went back to school for my MBA and now when I want a work-life balance. 

CrossFit has been an amazing transformational force.  It has given me fitness, challenge and social opportunities.  My first six months were about survival.  After I came back from Hawaii, I really dedicated effort to improving and as someone said “it is like someone turned a switch on and you lit up.”  I started thriving. I mastered some of my weaknesses (wall balls, box jumps, and the barbell), I entered a CrossFit competition, I did a strength program for 10 weeks and I ran a Zombie Mud Run with obstacles!   Doing CrossFit is just as much a mental as it is physical.  I’ve discovered I am capable of so much more than I thought. I do hard things because they are hard.  Perhaps the most unexpected gift from CrossFit has been mental fortitude, which has applied to every aspect of my life.

Stable employment, a challenging social activity, good health and having my own place are the reasons my life is so satisfying.  It gives me a strong foundation, so I can be a good daughter, sister, friend, employee, pet owner etc.  November is a month for being thankful and UC Davis and CrossFit are two things I am extremely grateful to have in my life.