Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Keeping Holiday Treats in Check

     Do you struggle with the sugar monster?  I sure do and this is the worse time of year. Goodies are everywhere!  For me, the worse place is work.  There seems to be a new tray of temptation every time I walk by the break area.  If you have obscene amounts of will power and have no problem resisting all the holiday treats that beckon this time of year, you can stop reading this post. For the rest of us, I have a plan:
     Eat "real" food.  I know this seems obvious, but we get busy or forget or it is just easier to eat a cookie.  Don't allow yourself to be starving, if you are hungry you will be less likely to resist.  Try to plan and prepare your meals out as much as possible. Eat breakfast and pack your lunch for work. Feed your body the good stuff first.
     Set some standards.  One way I eliminate some temptation is to automatically refuse anything that is store bought.  It is not "special" enough to consume. I know these sounds snobby, but it works by cutting down on my choices.  If it is from a speciality store or homemade, I perk up with possibility.  So create your own standards i.e. I only eat chocolate ones or nothing with nuts.  Narrow down your choices and pick your battles.
     Manage the sugar fest.  At work, the treats started appearing the day after Thanksgiving- that means I can expect 4 weeks of sugar temptation.  Why not try to get that down to 1 week by suggesting a holiday snack table week. Set up a table and for ONE week people can bring in goodies to enjoy.
     Begin again.  Yesterday I ate an entire box of candy all by myself. Yep I admit it!  Of course the sugar cravings are now in full gear, but today is a new day. I don't have to keep shoveling sugar into my face.  Just because it went to hell one day, doesn't mean all it lost. Reset every day and do your best.
     If you eat it, enjoy it.  I am in no way advocating holiday goody abstinence.  Indulge a little and really enjoy what you do decide to put in your mouth.  Don't sneak eat it either. Own your choices and relish every sugary morsel. After all it is the holidays!
     So those are my best tips for managing sugar consumption in the workplace. I think some of these apply to social gatherings as well. I just tend to have more issues when at work, perhaps because I can't run down an 8 hour clock against cookies!  Cookies will generally always win, sometimes even the  store bought one.  Do any of my fellow sugar addicts have tips to share?

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