Wednesday, May 30, 2012

30 Day Challenge Reflection & Wrap-up

"Cleanse" completed.  After about two weeks, it stopped seeming like a "challenge" and more just how I live my life. Guess it really doesn't take that long to form new habits.  So how did I do?

Challenge #1: No Eating Crap Food

This was actually a lot easier than I thought. Did I have cravings- yes, but surprisingly they can be resisted!  My family and friends were very supportive of my efforts. Work, however, was/is an island of temptation. I realized that treats pretty much show up on a daily basis and if I am not careful, everyday is treat day.

I did have a temporary period of naughtiness the weekend I ran the 5k. I went out to dinner with my sister and had a lovely dessert (see picture below) and then after the race I had a burrito and pinkberry. But I realize this is the true definition of a "treat". A once in a while experience, enjoyed to its fullest. So I enjoyed my "treats" and then got back to business.

Did I experience life-changing results? No, not after 30 days. The benefits were rather subtle and sometimes pointed out by other people. I felt more clarity of thought and had noticeable improved energy levels. Cravings came and went and I stuck to my goals.  I found that I do have willpower, if I approach things from logic rather than emotion.

The worst part of the "cleanse" is that I have to acknowledge that dairy and I can not be friends. It upsets digestion and causes skin havoc. Am I saying good-bye to cheese and ice cream forever?  Probably not, but they defiantly won't be making daily appearances in my food choices. I had always suspected this, but it is now confirmed.

Overall, I find that my eating habits are now dictated by thought rather than emotion. Eating or not eating something is a logical decision- it is on my plan or it isn't. I realize approaching food from an emotional standpoint turns everything into a battle of will. I usually give in, lose the battle and then food becomes all the more an emotional decision.

So where do I go from here? Vacation, of course. After my 7 days of carnage, I will probably come crawling back to healthy eating for recovery. I definitely feel better not eating crap!

Challenge #2: Journal Writing

I actually missed a day of journaling. By that I mean, I not only forgot to journal, I missed rehashing my day.  Of course I remembered this just as I had nicely tucked myself into bed, so I had to resist the urge to get up and journal. Sleep is more important than feelings (sometimes).

I did do all 6 types of journaling (diary, self-improvement, reflective, art, dream and gratitude).  Finding the time once a day to review your thoughts is a good thing and not that hard. This never felt like a chore. Sometimes writing 2 pages a day felt like a chore though.

Will I continue to journal?  Definitely. On a daily basis? Maybe, if I don't pressure myself to reach a certain length. Somedays I want to write a book, other days a tweet. I will do what serves me, since the journal is for me.

The 30 day challenge was a good experience for body and mind. I can see myself inventing and participating in new 30 day challenges. Maybe a new one each month. Hmmmm.....

Here is the heavenly treat that was so worth waiting for. A unique take on a  S'more: chocolate cake, whipped toasted marshmallow meringue and a graham cracker inspired cookie. Delicious!

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