Monday, April 30, 2012

30 Day Challenge- Body & Mind

I finally got my patio set up this weekend and it feels like I have added another room to my house. I love this outdoor space that is available with the warm weather! The change of seasons has also made me reflect on how things are going in my life. I need a cleanse. Not the juice-drinking meditate all day kind. I need one that fits into my active life. So I came up with my own "program"- a 30 day challenge to help me refocus on nutrition and mental clarity

Part 1: Stop Eating Crap

My eating habits have been slipping into dangerous territory for the past couple of months. It is like I was celebrating anti-Lent: 40 days of indulgences. It started with some Easter candy, then some cake, a burger, a burrito, a little pinkberry and before you know it every day is a treat day. 

So here is the plan for the next 30 days- get back to eating real whole foods like meats, eggs, veggies, fruits, nuts, and healthy fats (grass-fed butter, olive oil, and coconut oil).  I am also going to have to allow coffee and some dark chocolate.  I have been eating this way for over a year now and it works, but I see myself veering too much and it is time to straighten my nutrition out.  I mean, why am I working out 6 days a week and then eating crap foods?!?!

I am enlisting the support of my friends and co-workers. Basically, making sure everyone knows Rani should not be eating crap. I hope that posting it online will help me stick to it.  This is a pretty simple plan, but for some reason I expect it to be a struggle.

Part 2: The Journal Project

Lately, life has so busy, the days melt into each other.  I pledge to set aside some time each day to journal- at least two pages. I got the idea from "101 Creative Writing Exercises" by Melissa Donovan. She says journaling makes you more observant and self-aware.  I need to take some time out each day to self-reflect and make sure all this effort is leading me somewhere good. 

I like that she describes six different ways to journal and I will incorporate all the styles at least once in my 30 day program. Here are the different types of journaling: 

1.  Dear Diary: recounting the day events.  

2.  Self-improvement:  setting a goal and then writing about your progress (Woot! I've got this one covered with my 30 day challenge).

3.  Reflective Journaling: recounts events like a diary except you add a twist by putting events into context and give them a deeper meaning (kinda like what I try to do with this blog).

4.  Art Journaling: experience an art piece (i.e. painting, movie or music) and write about it.  I like that she mentions using fine art or something from pop culture. I think this one will be really fun!

5.  Dream Journal: recording your dreams and trying to figure out what they mean. Honestly, I dread this one because 1) I don't usually remember my dreams and 2) My undergraduate major was psychology and my least favorite professor taught the dreams course, which I managed to get out of because he went on sabbatical. Well I guess I've avoid dream journaling for as long as I could.

6.  Gratitude Journal: this had been a popular one in recent years where you write down all the things you are thankful for. In yoga class the instructor will often ask us to focus something we are thankful for. Generally bacon comes to mind, because I go to yoga before I eat breakfast :)

So that is the two part program. My 30 Day Challenge is from April 30 to May 29.  I will do a check-in mid-way and at the end. Wish me luck!  Let the cleansing begin...

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