Friday, April 27, 2012

And now you know....

Here are 10 "getting to know you questions"  and their answers, so now you can say you know:
1.  What’s the story behind the name “Rice Kracker”?
The name is from an almost-business collaboration with my sister. She would make the goods and I would sell them.  My name starts with “R” and hers with “K,” so we picked a business name that represented both of our names.
Another layer of meaning refers to being hapa (the Hawaiian word for being mixed race).  We are half Japanese (the rice) and half white (the kracker). Growing up in Hawaii made being hapa easy, ideal almost. I think being part of multiple cultures has strongly impacted my perspective and mindset in a positive way.   So the name Rice Kracker reflects on key components of my personal identity- growing up in Hawaii, being hapa and my interest in business.
2.  Do you prefer sunrise or sunset?
Sunset. Having grown up on the west-side of an island I have seen the sun set into the ocean more than a few times. The way the sun says good-night is nothing short of phenomenal.
3.  Where do you consider home?
I spent the first two decades of my life in Hawaii with good weather, good people and good food. So why would I move? Two reasons: youth and fearless optimism.   I graduated from college and Hawaii’s economy was not doing well, so I just decided to move. I had met a lot of Californians in college and it seemed like a cool place. People ask me if I was afraid?  Honestly, I was so “green” I didn’t know what to be afraid of and failure seemed impossible.
Hawaii gave me a solid foundation and California gave me a new freedom.  For the first time in my life, I was really on my own. I got to experience a faster-paced life, seasons and made new connections. There was definitely homesickness (and there still is from time to time).  Hawaii is a wonderful place to grow up, but a very hard place to make a living because of the cost of living.
The best way I can explain it is- Hawaii is my childhood home and California is the place I choose to make my home as an adult.  They are both home for me.
4. What are the most important things in your life?
The three F’s: Family, Friends and Food.  Also my iPhone- it really helps me get a lot of things done and it is fun!  P.S: My pets fall under the "family" category.
5.  How do you spend your day?
My day job is a Financial Nanny.  I manage research funding given to UCD professors.  I liken my  job to trying to manage really rich children who are allow to pretty much do what they want. Even though it is a “financial” position there are a lot of interpersonal skills required.
In my free time, I enjoy Crossfit, yoga, cooking, reading, conversing with friends, and playing with my pets. I also enjoy the outdoors by hiking, biking and snowshoeing.
 6At what age did you become an adult?
Twenty-seven. It took me almost a decade to acknowledge my being an adult!  I was floating through life without a purpose, just having random adventures and realized I was almost 30 and it was time to get serious about life.
My first adult decision was to go back to school and get my MBA.  I spent 3.5 year working full-time and going to school at night.  It was hard, scary and stressful, but with a lot of support and coffee- I made it through! This was the first thing I did purely for myself. I did not need this degree for my job and my parents would have preferred I got a ring, a mortgage and gave them some grandkids. The experience gave me a lot of confidence and helped me overcome some of my introverted ways. I graduated a grown-up.
7.  If you could afford it, what would you pay someone else to do?
Cleaning. I love living in a clean house, but I don’t enjoy cleaning it.
8.  Who do you admire?
My dad- if you look up the word character in the dictionary, my dad’s picture is there.
Martha Stewart- I was not a fan of her home-making perfection, but I became a fan of her's when she went to prison rather than betray her friend. That kind of loyalty is impressive. Also, at 70 years old, she looks fabulous and is still doing her thing!
Michelle Obama- she embodies an effortless grace and just captures my ideal of a modern woman. 
9.  What food could you eat everyday of your life?
Mmm… Ice Cream. Besides the fact it so yummy, one of my favorite childhood memories is of going to Baskin & Robbins every Friday night with my parents.  Bacon is a close runner up. It is absolutely delicious, but lacks the nostalgia factor. My sister has commented on how blissful I look eating ice cream- happy thoughts, happy taste buds.
My general way of eating is sticking to real whole foods: meats, eggs, veggies, fruits, nuts, and healthy fats (grass-fed butter, olive oil, and coconut oil).  I hesitate to say I am paleo.  At best, I would say I am “paleoish” because I am not strict with my eating.  I grew up in a culture where food is more about love and connection than nourishment and sometimes that trumps nutritional logic. I will say that I look, feel and perform my best when I stick to real whole foods.  Fortunately, both of my favorites ice cream and bacon fit into being “paleoish.”
10.  If you could look into the future, would you?
No.  It is tempting to skip ahead to the end, but I would rather live life as it comes.  Also, I don’t believe the script is pre-determined. So if I did peak into the future, I would then spend all my time proving I could change it!

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