Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sugar Shakedown

Confession: I am a sugar addict. Sugar is my white powder of joy. It presses all the happy buttons in my head and then leaves me with the worse headache/hangover, but I always go back to it. This is the time of year where sugar starts ruling my life. It starts with Halloween candy and continues with all the holiday treats right through New Years. I indulge and spend two months in total sugar intoxication.

I walked by the co-workers desk and saw that the Halloween candy is already out!  This means if I start right now, it will be three months of sugar time!  This is not good.   And you know what?  Halloween candy is not actually that good. I mean it was good when I was a kid, but I have more “refined” tastes now.  So I decided to boycott Halloween candy.  I smugly high fived myself for stopping the downward sugar spiral. Go me!

However, I was still eating cupcakes, raspberry truffles and chocolate cheesecake, which were not in violation “no Halloween candy” policy. Oh and there was also a dark chocolate bar from Trader Joe’s.  You see sugar finds its way into my life (into all of our lives) in so many different ways. It is sneaky. The sugar fixes go on and on until not eating sugar actually hurts- oh the withdrawals! As my co-worker pointed out, the best cure for sugar withdrawal is to eat more sugar. 

This needs to stop! How can I best fight this battle?  Saying no to sugar forever is not realistic. I want to be able to enjoy sugar, but not let it be in control of me. Often I let sugar be an emotional decision.  I have developed a million ways to justify why I deserve a “treat.”  A treat needs to actually be a treat, not a daily occurrence.  I don’t want to be a sugar addict.

I don’t know the magical plan for getting sugar under control, but I do know my first step is to start making smarter sugar decisions. Here are some things I’ll start with:
  • Quality sugar- skip the crap sugar products.  If I am going to indulge it has to be worth it.
  • No more keeping random sugar in my home.  If it is there, I will eat it. If I want sugar, I need to go out and get it.
  • Plan sweet treats so I have something to look forward too.

Sorry sugar, you aren’t the boss of me anymore (I hope).

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