Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summer 2012

Happy Summer Solistice! The first day of summer- yay!  The weather heated up sometime ago, so I am pleasantly surprised that the "actual" summer has just begun. Time seems to be moving more quickly with each year and how my time is spent seems a little unclear. So I decided to set some goals for my summer. This is my attempt to catch those fleeting moments and form them into a bigger purpose.

Goals for Summer 2012

1.  Be my "Best" self. The best I ever felt was during my 30 Day Challenge. Good nutrition led to good sleep and that led to good CrossFit performance. On top of that I wrote in my journal daily to hash out my day. So my first goal is to really take care of myself. Eat good foods, get enough sleep, and write in my journal. This should give me a solid base for the rest of my goals.

2.  Master the box jump. There is a 20" wooden box at CrossFit that is vexing me. Sometimes I can jump on it and sometimes I can't and the difference is all in my mind. These are my new spirit breakers and I am determine to jump on the box without flinching. Here is how it is suppose to go:

3.  Give my best performance at the CrossFit Centurion in-house competition "War of the Centurions." I have never competed in an athletic event in my entire life, so this one is kind of a big deal for me. I expect I will learn a lot about myself. 

4.  Learn to grill like a pro.  I already ordered my grill and can't wait to get started. I loved grilled meats and veggies, but have never really grilled myself. Time to learn!

5.  Make and follow a budget (that includes savings).  Since I moved in January, my financial management could best be described as "by-the-seat-of-your pants."  I actually manage millions of dollars for a living, surely I can do it for myself as well (and there is much less than a million to manage for myself :).

6.  Watch all episodes of BattleStar Galactica & Caprica.  I used to make fun of people who watched BattleStar Galactica. I apologize. This is good stuff, but getting through 100ish episodes is a commitment!

7.  Have more "do nothing" time. Summer inspires lazy days. At least once a week, I want to sit out on my patio and just do nothing.  This is harder than you think, life is busy.

8.  Write a weekly blog post.  Some weeks I am inspired to write several posts and then there are dry spells. I want to be more consistent and write regularly, especially when it is hard to write.

9.  Put more effort into work.  Lately work has been a J-O-B. Dreading something is no way to spend 8 hours of your day.  Plus I (finally) have a really great boss. It is time to step up.

10. Have great hair and wear earrings. Coming back from vacation, I feel trashed and out of shape. It is so tempting to cover myself in a paper bag and avoid mirrors. Instead, I am going to focus on "not my body." So here is to highlights and shiny objects to help get me through this rough patch.

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